Creativity is fundamental to successful learning. Being creative enables children to make connections between one area of learning and another and so extend their understanding. We, at    Al Kahf Academy are providing a stimulating environment in which creativity, originality and expressiveness are valued; a wide range of activities that children can respond to by using many senses, sufficient time to explore, develop ideas and finish working at their ideas; opportunities for the children to express their ideas through a wide range of representation.

This area of learning includes:

  1. Assembly Presentations
  2. Science Projects
  3. Bait Bazi Competition
  4. Seerah Quiz
  5. Smart Brain Competition (Mental Math)
  6. Declamation & Debate Contest.
  7. Elocution.
  8. Hifz & Qirat Competition
  9. Art Competition.
  10. Spelling Bee.
  11. English & Urdu Handwriting Competition
  12. Arabic Nasheed Competition.
  13. Iqbal Day